Saturday, February 15, 2014

Third Command: Private Message

Hey its play here! You can private message! With:
/tell <player name> <message>
/msg <player name> <message>
/w <player name> <message>
notice how i'm using <command> thats the new 'command'
player name is the name of the player you want to talk to!
message is the message you only want them to see!
I hope this helps!

Second Command: Get Started! /help

Now you have a command block but what commands should you do?
There is the Teleporting command and the give command but how do i find theses commands?
well... Do /help if you are bored waiting for me to post since i haven't been posting recently do
It gives you a list of commands you can try... so
/help #
the # means number. number meaning page. /help 2 is the next page since the chat is so long...
So test out and I will be posting more! Sorry for not posting more.